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Out of home advertising and marketing require a special simplicity to make a message work fast. Compelling visuals and smart copywriting will make all the difference.
What kind of results for the Clifton Savings Bank's Money Within Reach campaign (frog and wall climber)? Deposits increased by $40 million at one Clifton Savings Bank branch with an out-of-doors advertising promotion so successful the client had to pull it after six weeks. The campaign won First and Second Place respectively at the 2014 New Jersey Ad Club Awards for Best of Transit and Outdoor Advertising.
Out of home advertising and marketing require a special simplicity to make a message work fast. Compelling visuals and smart copywriting will make all the difference.
What kind of results for the Clifton Savings Bank's Money Within Reach campaign (frog and wall climber)? Deposits increased by $40 million at one Clifton Savings Bank branch with an out-of-doors advertising promotion so successful the client had to pull it after six weeks. The campaign won First and Second Place respectively at the 2014 New Jersey Ad Club Awards for Best of Transit and Outdoor Advertising.