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Direct mail, trade show graphics, brochures, vehicle wraps and much more are all pieces of your marketing plan that need compelling messages and artwork to carry your branding forward. Here are some examples of smart collateral.
Direct mail, trade show graphics, brochures, vehicle wraps and much more are all pieces of your marketing plan that need compelling messages and artwork to carry your branding forward. Here are some examples of smart collateral.
Hacienda Beach Club & Residences Brochures
This cover is from a series of sales brochures designed for Hacienda Beach Club & Residences in Cabo San Lucas. Eager to sell all the units, the realtor reached out to find a luxury look that would capture the feel of the exquisite experience associated with their properties. The winning design is shown here, and the full brochure can be accessed here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/6770sky7hxfzivv/_HACIENDA_VILLA_5_verA.pdf?dl=0
Sussex-Warren HRMA Brochure
This brochure was created to accompany the relaunch of a new web site with their rebranding included. The northern NJ SHRM chapter wanted to attract more members and get across the more intimate and connected networking found in a smaller chapter. Their site can be found here:
Sedona 2016 Calendar
In conjunction with Rapunzel Creative, Sedona Shepherd Sanctuary wished to have a new look for their successful annual calendar showcasing German Shepherds rescued through their efforts. A fresh approach helped in bringing about a great start to the New Year. It's still not too late to grab one. Click here.